Saturday, April 16, 2005

Playing Outside

Instead of grading papers or doing math or anything else work-related, today I fussed with the lawn and garden. My neighborhood is participating in my city's Arts Festival, and hundreds of people will be walking down my street this weekend.
my house

Do you see the sheep in my garden?

The back of the house? Not so lovely. In just three short weeks the semester will be over and I can dismantle and rehab the window on the back of the house (as well as some that you can't see on the side of the house). Nothing says "do-it-yourself" like having plywood over gaping holes in the walls all summer. I'm also hoping to build screens for the windows. Maybe replace the back stairs with a very small deck (possibly next year). Big project for 2007? Lose the vinyl siding and have the house painted. (I can take off the siding myself; I will hire people to paint.)
back of the house

Pre-emptive photo of the cellar door:
cellar door

(Yes, I stripped it myself.)

And now I'm heading back outside to sit on the porch swing and knit.