Sunday, August 05, 2007

Returning to My Normal Crazy Life

In not too many hours I fly back home. Still haven't finished packing, and it's unclear whether I'll have to leave anything non-essential behind.

Optimistically, I've packed the book for my class in my carry-on luggage. You know, the book that I assigned but not have yet actually read. Fortunately I have a week before my back to school crap begins and two before classes actually start.

Lucky for you, there are 250 students enrolled in my business calculus class, so they should be sure to make plenty of mistakes. I may need to buy a scanner with a document feeder.

Extra bonus fun (possibly): According to Blackboard (which is not 100% accurate), one of the enrollees in my business calculus class is the lady at the registrar's office who tells students that she'll let them add or drop after the deadline if they can get me to sign something saying that it's OK. When I go over the syllabus, should I mention that the drop deadlines were determined by a vote of the faculty senate and that the undergraduate catalog contains no provisions for waiving them other than applying to the appeals committee for a retroactive withdrawal?