Tuesday, March 03, 2009

This is the Rough Time of the Semester

In the marathon that is the academic year, now is the time when the students hit the wall. I got two more emails today.

Student #1
I was just informing you that I had a wreck and totaled my car Sunday night. My parents have come to get me. That is why i wasn't in class and I don't know when I am coming back. Whenever you get time can you tell me as of right now what my grade is in your class? My parents are trying to figure out the best option for me at the moment is. this semester has not been a good one event wise. Thank you for your time and understanding.

Student #2 (This is the student who hasn't taken either midterm or five of the six quizzes due to a medical reason -- and keeps promising to bring me a note.)
I wanted to let you know what I have been doing to learn the material from exam 2, and the materials i miss from exam 1. I went to my lab T.A.'s office hours last week, on Tuesday, and i'm going again today.

I think I need more than just his help though, because our first get-together, he kind of just asked me really simple questions like if i knew what the definitions of math terms we're using were. It's probably because he didn't really know where to start, or how to go about it, and i didn't get any practice problems or anything to really help me learn the material to do well on the make up tests. I hope today's meeting with him with be more helpful, but i'm not sure how that I can catch up with enough in just one hour, especially if other students come to his office hours and need his attention too.

How do you think I can better study for the exam 1 and 2? Can you give his instruction on what he should practice with me, so i can know all I need for the exams. If i bring him a study guide for Exam 1 and 2, and him and I work out as many problems with him in the one hour as he can, do you think i would be prepared for the exams. I'm so overwhelmed.

Please reply.